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{ ordinary days } Hilarious ride home from school

8 Apr

So I picked up the girls from school and on our 30 min ride home this was the conversation I heard:

Mom:  ( to 10 yr old) Why are you so grumby this afternoon?

10 yr old:  I’m hungry.  Thats why!

Mom:  Didn’t you eat your lunch?

10 yr old: NO

Mom: Why not honey?  I made you a nice lunch.

10 yr old:  (In a grumby comanding tone)  The cheese was so thick I couldn’t get my teeth through it!!

Mom: (thinking . . . cheese is soft even if it is thick.  She could have removed the cheese.  What a waste of money)  So you didn’t eat it?

10 yr old:  NO

13yr old:  So why didn’t you just cut the cheese???

Hilarious giggles explode in the minivan as we trott down the interstate at a clipping 70mph

Even grumby 10 yr old had to laugh.

6yr old totally not understanding the joke:  I cut the lettuce!

I love being a Mom


{ Ordinary Days } Some excitement

2 Apr

Well . . . It was about 11pm and we all should have been in bed

I was in the bedroom rocking the baby and I heard all kinds of excitement.

Before I could plead for a quiet entrance my little lady Kyndall came bounding through the door with a smile as large as Texas, waving her hand and proclaiming to have lost her first tooth all the while bouncing like a mexican jumping bean!!!

I felt like scolding her for waking the baby, but her excitement was contagious and made me smile and giggle a congratulations to her.

Then I did a crazy Mom thing!

I made her a tooth fairy pillow for her tooth to safely wait patiently for the tooth fairy to come.  ( by now we were nearing the next day mind you!)

Click here to find the pattern and project

I just love being a Mom!


Anyone for a Tea Party?

27 Mar

Doesn’t this just look like fun???

Maybe it’s because I have five girls I am always drawn to this sweet

“girly girl” stuff, or

maybe I’m a romantic at heart . . . either way I loved this photo Daisy from Daisy Pink Cupcake posted the other day.





clip art courtesy of Clipart Etc


{ Decorating } A Welcoming Entry

26 Mar

I have a special friend . . .

She is so talented and is an absolute inspiration to me!  Effortlessly, she can take a room, old piece of furniture, thrift store find, you name it she can “beautify” it!!!

A while back my neighbor was throwing away an old white bench, it needed some paint, but really it was still pretty sturdy.  I just knew she could do something wonderful with it, and I was right!  The other day when I walked up to her front door, look what I saw . . .

Doesn’t that look relaxing . . . {{ sigh }}

What you don’t see, is the gorgeous view you can just get lost in as you sink down into those cushy pillows for a rest.

“ta, ta” for now! {{ wink }}

Colonial Dress Up Fun

7 Mar

I had made these super simple dresses for the girls and they have been worth every moment I spent on them!!!  The girls just love to play with these dresses!  The dresses were just a simple A-line form with elastic in the neck and sleeves.  My girls dress them up with aprons and hats to play fancy tea time or something a little more rugged to play prairie girl . . . Look what they’ve been up to!

Do you think they noticed that no one ever smiled in old time photos??? lol


The House Prince Charming Built

1 Mar

Question: What do you do when you are touring an 8000 square foot mansion with 5 little ladies????

Answer: Act like a bunch of animals!!

We recently got a behind the scenes tour of a home my husband built. The fireplace was so huge the oldest little lady could fit inside!

I would dread being the wife that has to clean this place, but really it was pretty nice

Prince Charming and a little lady

Fairy tale pose


Hmmm . . . Art???

28 Feb

The girls and I were driving in the country the other day when I spotted this interesting junk art sculpture.  I know they were thinking I was crazy “here goes Mom again!”  as I abruptly slammed on the brakes and did a 360.  “Grab the camera”  I commanded with a giggle.

Pretty creative really!  You know me . . . I love to be creative
