Tag Archives: home school

{ FREE Printable } Corner bookmark

10 Apr

A FREEBIE for you today!

I made this little bookmark one year when we were homeschooling.

Originally I had different reading comprehension questions on the book marks to prompt deeper thinking when the girls were reading.

These come together nicely and are a fun way to keep your place.

Have your kids color them to make them special

Then you could have the bookmark laminated to make it last a bit longer.

  1. Click HERE for the image
  2. Right click on the image and select print or save to your hard drive
  3. Cut the image out on the outer lines
  4. Fold  to make the triangle shape
  5. Glue to make it secure


  • once your bookmark is completed laminate with contact paper or have it heat laminated, then carefully cut through the lamination at the opening edge where it will slip over the edge of the book page.

clipart courtesy of clipart etc
